Bulgarians are known
throughout the world for their unique trait of shaking their head side-to-side
when they say “yes” and their sharp forward nod when saying
“no”, but this does not mean that it is difficult to get along
with them! On the contrary, Bulgaria is a hospitable country and Bulgarians
are consummate hosts.
Most of Bulgarians
have little financially, yet more than 85% of them own their homes. With
community support, building a home for a new family is an ancient tradition
still practiced in Bulgaria’s small villages. House or villa ownership
is still believed the strongest sign of prosperity across the country.
The Bulgarian people’s
fondness of nature and their strong cultural bond with their surroundings
have permeated the Bulgarian national psyche for centuries. For hundreds
of years, Bulgarians have seen nature as their preeminent source of livelihood.
Until a mere 50 years ago, the people were almost entirely dependent for
their subsistence on the fruits of the land. Even today, most Bulgarian
households keep at least a token link with nature and the surrounding
landscape, and continue to draw on the generous natural resources of the
land. Click here for more about ELC’s
Bulgarians’ Bond with Nature Course.
A Bulgarians’
traditional lifestyle includes preparing their own homemade food, rakia
and wine. Most people who live in the countryside still collect fruit
and grapes for rakia distilling. In fact, every third family in Bulgaria
produces their own alcoholic drink. Preparation for long winters includes
drying of herbs and mushrooms, pickling of vegetables, making jams and
wine. This own home made production is usually offered to guests with
pride. To avoid offending your hosts, its best to accept!
Click here to
Discover more about ELC’s Bulgarian Cuisine Course
Bulgarian Wine Culture
That a person of
Bulgarian origin is now credited with giving the World the computer. John
Vincent Atanasoff developed the first digital computer in 1939. His father
was a Bulgarian immigrant who left his homeland for the United States
in 1889. Dr. Atanasoff had conceived of a calculating machine that would
revolutionize the traditional models in existence at that time. Although
credit for the invention of the computer was later incorrectly given to
the developers of the ENIAC; a 1972 court case ruled that those engineers
had used many of Dr. Atanasoff’s ideas, and he was ultimately given
the credit he deserved for his work.
The oldest golden
treasure in the World was found in Bulgaria in a Chalcolithic necropolis
near the city of Varna; the Black Sea capital of Bulgaria in 1972. It
dates from the end of the Stone-copper Age, more than 6000 years BC. The
golden decorations and objects found in the necropolis are suggestive
of a high level of culture and of an aristocracy that belonged to an ancient
civilization that once lived in these lands.
The largest exporter
of medicinal plants in Europe is Bulgaria. Bulgaria is the number one
exporter of medicinal plants in Europe, and the fourth largest exporter
in the world. Over 30% of all known drugs contain active ingredients derived
from plants. Bulgaria is very rich in medicinal plants. It has more than
760 species with 330 of them in active use. Bulgarian herbs have very
high contents of biologically active substrates. They are widely used
by most Bulgarian families as herbs for various teas, curative agents,
and spices. Bulgaria exports 15.5 thousand tons of herbs, with trends
showing an increase in volume in coming years.

Expatriate Question: “What are these red and white tassels
on the tree?”
ELC Answer: The red and white tassels are called Martenitzy,
after the month of March (Mart, in Bulgarian). In our culture these are
the colors that symbolize good health. A healthy and beautiful woman is
always described with white skin and red cheeks in the Bulgarian folklore.
Bulgarians exchange Martenitzy to wish friends and relatives “good
health” on 1 March and during the whole month. They wear the Martenitza
until they see the first stork, then tie it to the branch of a blossoming
tree or put it under a stone, wishing for good luck, fruitfulness and

Expatriate Question: “What is that animal with
horns and bells?”
ELC Answer: This caricature illustrates the Bulgarian
ancient but timeless tradition of meeting the Spring with a “Kukeri”
masquerade. The festival occurs in villages across Bulgaria seven weeks
before Easter to encourage good weather and bountiful harvests for the
upcoming agricultural cycle of nature. Many men dress in elaborate costumes
and masks
This ritual is also connected to Bulgarian hospitality. The “Kukery”,
with their bells create noise to chase away evil spirits and bring hope
for good health and fertility. The procession stops at every village home,
where the “Kukery” are provided with homemade food and drink.
Click here for
more about ELC’s “Kukeri Course”.

Expatriate Question: “What will the Bulgarian
do with this bucket of cold water? I hope he’s not thinking of pouring
it on my head?!”
ELC Answer: Don’t be afraid! It's an old Bulgarian
tradition. When someone is off to a meeting, exam or other important event,
we splash a bit of water in front of them before they step out, saying:
“Let the good luck goes with you as running water.” This ritual
is part of a survival philosophy adopted by Bulgarians in hard times.
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