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Bulgarian Culture Bridges

We can provide you with cultural orientations individually or in small groups. You can choose to take courses on week days or over the weekend.

Our training team includes experts in the fields of national and business culture, politics, environment, media and communications, economics, law, language and working with children. Together, they organize, customize and present the seminars, answering any questions you might have along the way. The team is Bulgarian and its members have extensive experience in working with people from other countries as well as an excellent command of Russian, English and other European languages.

Specialized information about the country’s geography, history, politics and economy is prepared by leading experts in those fields and presented with the support of a Country Resource Professional. Our courses include basic knowledge of Bulgarian as well as advice on how to learn more. We also provide opportunities for additional language courses.

Some key features of our services include:
• Customization to accomodate client needs
• Interactivity
• Gaining practical skills in a light and entertaining way
• Delivery in English

We update our information for Bulgaria regularly in order to keep our program content up to date. The major headings include Bulgarian cultural specifics, geography, nature, climate, historical and political background, economy and basics of the Bulgarian language.

Our Offers

We offer two types of Courses – “Orientation and Adaptation to Bulgarian Culture” and “Thematic Courses”.

Orientation and Adaptation Courses

These courses continue two and a half days or longer, depending on the particular requirements of the clients, the topics covered, the types of activities and the scheduled times. Each of the courses may include “cultural excursions” to places that foreigners usually do not visit. This provides clients with a chance to communicate directly with Bulgarians, which helps them to gain skills important for their everyday interactions and life in Bulgaria.
For those who are doing business in Bulgaria, we offer a special module, which can assist in achieving success with presentations, business meetings, negotiations and contracts.

We provide those who are living in Bulgaria with useful information and tips that can make their every day life more enjoyable. They will receive an introduction to Bulgarian cuisine, places to go, things to do, how to travel, shop and lots of other important parts of everyday life.

Thematic Courses

These courses are one or two days long. They all include interactive learning sessions as well as visits to new places, meetings with interesting people and wonderful experiences involving the best in traditional folk music, dance and food.

For more information and photos please click on the name of the course!


Before registering for one of our courses we ask you to fill out our Entry Form, scan it and return it to us at: elc@crossculturebg.com. The information allows us to develop a course tailored to your needs. It also gives us indications as to the most appropriate training methods for your cultural background and interests.

A combination of topics and course types may be created upon request!

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